Do you want to start a career in responsible tourism but you are unsure of what it entails?
Are you curious about the opportunities available in the sector and looking to identify what your next steps could be?
Matteo Bierschneider is the co-founder of Wise Steps Travel, a social enterprise focusing on tourism with positive impact in Indonesia. In this episode, he will take us through his journey from working for a big tourism company to setting up his own purposeful social enterprise, while following his dream and passion.
In this insightful conversation, we will discuss how to start a career in the responsible tourism industry by exploring some of the questions you may be asking yourself:
What is responsible tourism? Is it different from sustainable tourism?
What are the opportunities available in the responsible tourism industry?
Is volontourism the best way to gain experience in the sector?
Is is possible to follow my passion for ethical travelling and make a living?
Can we still be positive about tourism in the face of Covid?
I am already working in the tourism industry but I want to make more of a positive contribution - how can I go about it?
If you want to get in touch with Matteo, you can contact him directly at Feel free to also check out his online course if your ambition is to start creating a career with purpose!
For information about coaching to help create a Careers with Purpose and Positive Impact, you can reach me at I will take you through the steps of my career coaching programmes.